Submitted by Wildrunner on 05 November 2018
Every outdoor activity carries inherent risk. As a running community, we are certainly not unaware of the dangers presented by technical terrain, rapid weather changes, unclear paths or exposed climbs. Sadly, a rolled ankle, hidden puffadder or heat stroke are not our primary dangers any more. The threat of personal attack is on the rise, and the buzz on every trail group or forum is centred on safety precautions and solutions.
Submitted by Wildrunner on 05 November 2018
The reality is, our lives have sped up to a point where many of us feel like we are Dabchicks swimming across a stretch of water; trying desperately to maintain a calm appearance with our legs paddling frantically below. We’re bombarded by daily pressure to keep it all together with the vague idea that we’ll take a break, some day.
Submitted by Wildrunner on 31 October 2018
Age is nothing, attitude is everything. We had the fortunate opportunity to gain some insight into trail running at 70 years plus, through the experiences of one Flip van Schalkwyk. Flip is a local on the trails of the Tygerberg, in the Majik Forest area of the Cape.
Submitted by Wildrunner on 15 October 2018
There are many, many good reasons to run, and we’re adding birding to the mix. Birding is not a hobby owned entirely by people in long khaki socks, zip-off pants, floppy hats and big boots. In South Africa, we are blessed with diverse and beautiful birdlife just about everywhere we turn. As trail runners, we frequently come across birds in their natural environments; flushing out eagle owls from the scrub as we pass, spotting marine birds on our beach runs or spying birds of prey circling high above our mountain adventures.
Submitted by Wildrunner on 15 October 2018
It’s not just a winter thing, running at sunset is the perfect way to end a steamy summer’s day. The temperatures drop, the air stills and you can tune in to the trails in a completely different way. But running after dark has some risk elements attached, and some skills best honed before you grab a headlamp and hit the trail head. With our first Gauteng sunset run coming up on 7 November, now is the time to get in to firefly mode!
Submitted by Wildrunner on 25 September 2018
You are a runner, so you know chafe… If you’ve run anything more than 5km with badly fitted shorts. If you’ve ever worn a sports bra. If you have thighs that even vaguely meet in the middle. If you have run a marathon. If you have run an ultra. If you have run through sand. If you have done a salty water crossing. If you ran in the wrong undies. If you have not tightened the straps of your hydration pack correctly.
Submitted by Wildrunner on 25 September 2018
The Wildrun® Africa portfolio of running events offers true submersion in to some of the continent’s finest landscapes. From the beaches of Transkei to the open plains of Zimbabwe, there is nothing quite like wild exploration on foot. Due to the unique nature of these events, and their iconic African locations, there is no lack of international interest. You can meet an elephant in a big noisy 4x4, or you can stand 200m away and see, smell and fully experience these magnificent animals as they should be; untamed, unintimidated an threatened by your proximity.
Submitted by Wildrunner on 25 September 2018
As summer returns slowly to our lives with all the beauty and delight of a long-lost lover, our thoughts move to hydration on the trails. Well also late, muggy evenings beneath the stars, beach runs and holidays… but hydration on the trails is up there with our summer dreaming! Carrying sufficient drinking water from the beginning of your run is critical, but what happens when you run dry? We interviewed some environmental experts to find out more on what to avoid, and when it’s safe to drink your fill.
Submitted by Wildrunner on 25 September 2018
As a prelude to the IAAF Gold Standard Sanlam Cape Town Marathon, the annual 22km and 12km Peace Trail events take place on the Saturday prior to the 42.2 extravaganza. Managed by Wildrunner, the Peace Trail is a celebration of the beautiful routes that lie in close proximity to Cape Town’s inner city, and the 2018 edition was a successful show down of grand proportions.
After a slight delay on the start line due to an unexpected change in health and safety requirements further along the route, the stellar 22km field of more than 400 runners took to the trails at impressive pace.
Submitted by Wildrunner on 14 September 2018
It isn’t marketed as a race. As part of the Wildrun® Africa portfolio, it is a three-day boutique running holiday along South Africa’s Wild Coast; a slice of unfenced coastal paradise that traverses the rural homeland of the isiXhosa people and takes runners on the journey of a lifetime.